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31 Days of Halloween with The Kelly Society Day 2 - The Paranormal Podcast

Writer: S.K. AndrewsS.K. Andrews

31 Days of Halloween with

The Kelly Society

Day 2

Hi, Fellow Spookers!

It’s Jason Lee here. I’m the photographer and videographer for The Kelly Society paranormal investigations, and I’m posting today about my favorite podcasts!

I love Friday mornings, because I tune into Jim Harold’s Campfire podcast, which is a compilation of true paranormal stories told by people who experienced them first hand. Some stories are frightening, while others are so heartwarming, my eyes water.

But the Campfire stories are not Jim’s only podcast. The Paranormal Podcast, Ghost Insight, and The Other Side host many fascinating guests. Paranormal authors, investigators, and innovators share their wisdom and experiences.

I emailed Jim a question for this blog post, and he sent me his reply. He’s a great guy and is very supportive of groups like ours that investigate the supernatural. Here is my question to Jim Harold and his reply:


Each day when you get up in the morning, what is it about the mystical, ghostly, and unexplained realm that keeps you riveted?


Thanks for inviting me on your blog during this spooky season but you answered the question within the question itself!

The fact that it is entirely plausible and even likely that there is a whole other spirit world out there that we don't understand is the appeal itself. I would go as far to say that appeal extends not just to ghosts and goblins but to every aspect of the unexplained: Near Death Experiences, After Death Communications, possessions, poltergeists, cryptids, UFOs, and so many other anomalous phenomena.

Receiving so many reports of the inexplicable from people all over the world from all walks of life continually powers my obsession. Skeptics, believers, factory workers, doctors, lawyers, wait staff, businesspeople, first responders, college students, seniors and every other category of people who call into my Jim Harold's Campfire podcast and share their stories of the strange are the ones who I credit. To me, the thousands of accounts I've fielded over the years might not be scientific proof that would satisfy an academic, but it is evidence enough for me that there are far stranger things in the world than our minds can imagine. It really does keep me riveted and I expect it will for at least the next 20 years or so that I plan to continue my shows. Will we ever get the answers in our lifetime? I kind of doubt it but the quest for understanding is still there and I enjoy it so much.

Thanks again for the invite. I wish you & your readers a Happy Halloween. And, as I say on my shows, Stay Spooky!

Many a time, while driving to different photo shoot locations in Northern California, I play Jim’s podcasts along my route. What I like about his repertoire of podcasts, is that they offer so many categories. I can get that thrill up my spine from a ghost story, melt my heart with an angel account, learn about quantum physics and the universe, or get inspired by self-empowerment and the law of attraction. The array of experts on Jim’s shows cover a lot of ground and offer something for everyone.

I didn’t even mention his other podcasts: UFO Encounters, The Cryptid Report, and my favorite; Soulmate Stories. I’ve included a screenshot of his shows (and past shows you can access) from his Spooky Studio cell phone app I downloaded.

I’m excited to report that Jim has recently added a Utube show to his credits!

Below is the link for his Utube channel, which is appropriately called The Jim Harold Show. Check it out and subscribe. You’ll be glad you did!

And because Jim doesn’t sleep, he’s also added The Paranormal Quiz Show to his media lineup. He hosts this weekly show with his lovely wife, Dar Harold. I hope to be a contestant soon!

The Campfire stories have also been published in book form. Check them out on Jim's website below.

Well, there you have it! Thanks, Jim for all the spine tingles you’ve given me over the years. Keep up the good work!

In the words of Jim Harold: “Stay Spooky!”

Happy Halloween Season!


The Kelly Society



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