31 Days of Halloween with The Kelly Society Day 11 - Haunted Pubs
31 Days of Halloween with
The Kelly Society
Day 11
Hey guys, it’s Josh from Java Hut; your favorite barista brewing up Pumpkin Spice Lattes all day long in October!
I told Vivien I like to research haunted pubs. In fact I made a list of all the ones I want to visit. She told me I have to post that information. Since my list is a long one (there’s a lot of haunted pubs out there) I’ll include three to share today.
The photo above is from inside the Ten Bells pub in East London. That pub was the last place Annie Chapman had a drink before being slaughtered by Jack the Ripper just a few streets over.
Here is an edited down version of what I found online from The Spooky Isles:
The Haunting Of The Ten Bells
The Ghostly Landlord
Since the 1990s, the upper floors of the Ten Bells have been reserved as living space for pub staff. Over the years, staff have reported encountering the disturbing apparition of a Victorian-era man. They claim this ghost likes crawling into bed with them. When they awaken, he is said to smile at them with blackened teeth and vanishes before they can speak. It is believed this unnerving apparition was a Victorian-era landlord who was murdered by an assailant never brought to justice for the crime. This ghost has also been spotted in the bar area leering at female patrons.
Annie Chapman’s Ghost
The ghost of a Victorian-era woman believed to be Annie Chapman is seen sitting at the bar. It’s the spot where Annie Chapman supposedly sat as she enjoyed her last drink before being carved up by the Ripper.
Pub staff say that before she manifests, a cold breeze blows through the bar. The disappearance of personal belongings and broken glasses have been blamed on the ghost of Annie. As well as pub staff being pushed by an unseen hand.